Sunday, July 10, 2011

Family Reunion of 2011

Ruby H.  holding her newest cousin.  Sydney was adorable!!
 Kyla H. and Zack J.

 Some of the Johnsons camped out at Double White. We (The H. Family) spent some time with them, riding the Jet ski, Tubing, and havin' an all out good time.

 Danny H. And Brandy H.  Riding off.
 Titus H.  got his first jet Ski ride.  Being the true boy he is, he kept saying, "Faster Daddy!"

 Sleeping Sydney.

Whats a better way to get to know each other then to wrestle?
 Watching the above wrestlers.

 Peggy G.  and Smiley J.

 Sydney passed through so many arms.  ☺

 I really don't know what was going on here....
 Shauna H.  And Sarah G talking and teasing.  Traci J is in the background.
 Titus H looks like he just devoured something chocolate-y

 Heres a question, why don't people call Independence Day, 'Independence day'?  You ask folks, what'cha celebrating?  The Fourth.  Sorry, but we can't blame this one on Obama.
 L to R.  Shauna H.  Wayne S.  Johnny J.  Sarah G.
 G. and H. girls (and one boy).

 Matthew J.  I took about 5 pictures trying to get this one.  Thanks to a very goofy bro making faces behind my back, I did catch one of his laughing.  ☺
 Shauna Ruby and Evan H.  Evan H happens to be the goofy brother.
H and G girl.

 Zack J.
Adorable lil Sydney H.  She is so sweet and tiny and cute!!

It was nice getting to know our family more this year.  All the previous years, it has been a 'nice-to-see-ya-goodbye' thing with us.  But this year we got to meet y'all more.  I hope it can be the same next year!

Till next time, Over and out, Ashley H.